Research Overview
Faculty in the Michigan State University Department. of Radiology are engaged in a broad spectrum of cutting-edge imaging research encompassing a variety biomedical disciplines. Ongoing investigations integrate advanced imaging technologies (multinuclear MRI and MR Spectroscopy, CT, PET-CT, cellular and molecular imaging) with important biosciences (regenerative medicine, physiology, biomechanics, neuroscience, cardiology, sports medicine, and nutrition) to create a unique research environment. The Department has world-class research imaging systems housed either in the Radiology Building (3.0T MRI) or the Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building (7.0T and 9.4T pre-clinical MRI, pre-clinical micro-CT). Interdisciplinary research programs offer numerous collaborative and educational opportunities, not only for faculty, but for all students, from undergraduates to postdoctoral research associates, including medical students, residents, and fellows.
Erik Shapiro Ph.D. Presentation to the MSU Board February 6, 2015
Nanomaterials, regenerative medicine and biomedical imaging: Molecular and Cellular MRI at MSU